Some buyers are lucky enough to walk into a home and think, “this is it!” If that happens to you, great! You are one of the lucky ones. This instant knowing does not happen often though. So how do you know when you have found the perfect house? First, understand there is a difference between the “perfect” house and “right” house. The “perfect” house has everything you can dream of and can be priced above what you cannot afford. Luckily, the “right” house has all of the amenities you need usually at a price you can afford.
Thus, instead of looking for the perfect house, look for the right house. The right house is unique for each person. What each buyer needs and wants will be different than other buyers. Determine what your “must haves” are. How many bedrooms do you need? Bathrooms? Minimum lot size? Single level or multi-level? Garage requirements? Do you need an in-law or nanny suite? You might have specific requirements for your situation – handicap accessibility, fencing or housing structures for pets or even simply specific flooring type due to allergies. Whatever your requirements, figure out what they are. More importantly, figure out why you have these requirements because flexibility is key in finding the right house.
For example, a large family who needs 4 bedrooms to accommodate all the children is different than a couple who needs 3 bedrooms for their 2 offices and a guest room. The first buyer will need 4 traditional bedrooms, the second buyer may be able to have an office without the right sized egress window or a closet.
Someone who wants a home on a large lot in order to have a large garden is different than someone who wants a large lot for privacy. The first person may be able to accomplish their goals with a community garden or the second person may accomplish their goals with trees and fencing between the houses.
So get clear about the whys because you may have to get flexible about what the right house looks like. Make sure the house meets your needs and be open to how those needs are met. And, if you walk through a house and you think it might be the right house, ask yourself how you will feel if it sells to someone else. If the answer is that you will be devastated, start writing that offer! If you would be completely okay with someone else living there, you may not be in the right house.
To help you determine your whys and find the right house for you, call Town & Country Realty today at 541-757-1781 or 541-924-5616! You will be so glad you did!