For many people, their home is their largest asset. If this is you or it isn’t, you want to maintain and preserve your home. By performing regular property maintenance, you will save money, retain its future value, and sell it more easily when that time comes. What do we recommend? While the list of what you could check is endless, at a minimum, we suggest:
Furnace and air conditioners – Change your furnace filters at least twice per year, more often if you have pets. Additionally, have your heating and cooling system cleaned and inspected at least annually by a licensed heating contractor. These steps will ensure that your furnace will be more efficient, last longer, and save you money.
Gutters/downspouts – Clean out your gutters at least twice per year, more often if you have large trees near your home. On a rainy day, check for leaking or overflowing gutters or downspouts. Correct these issues immediately to prevent damage to siding, fascia, and even the foundation.
Roof – Treat your roof for moss annually. Have a licensed roofer inspect and make any needed repairs to flashing or shingles at least every other year. These steps will help your roof last longer and prevent more costly problems from occurring.
Landscaping – Keep all vegetation trimmed away from the house and roof to prevent roof or siding damage and pest issues. Watch for puddling and ponding around the house from rain or broken pipes. Correct any standing water issues to prevent potential structural problems down the road and retain the home’s value.
Crawlspace – At least once per year, go down into your crawlspace and look around for standing water, pest issues, plumbing leaks or other issues. If you see anything amiss, contact a qualified expert to help you correct that issue. If you are uncomfortable going in your crawlspace, do not worry. Some contractors specialize in doing exactly this.
Ideally, inspect the outside of your home twice annually to look at the condition of the paint, caulking, trim, gutters, etc. and fix all issues you find. Additionally, make a list of all the
minor problems inside the home (such as a nonworking outlet, slow drain, etc.). Then when you have the appropriate contractor working on a more significant issue, they can take care of the minor problems at the same time.
Most importantly, keep a list of service performed and upgrades done to the home. As time passes, you may forget what work was completed, when and by whom. This list will be helpful should you ever need follow-up repairs done and when you go to sell the property.
Doing all of the above does not guarantee you won’t have maintenance problems, but you will be able to prevent many larger issues. If you need help figuring out which contractors to call or what upgrades would help you when you do decide to sell, call your favorite broker at Town & Country Realty. You can reach us in Corvallis at 541-757-1781 and in Albany at 541-924-5616 today. You will be glad you did!