The four (very indefinite) seasons here each allow its own joys! Wintertime brings out the card table for her. Whether it is a jigsaw puzzle or a game of Yahtzee, it’s a great time to cozy up by the fire and drink a bottomless cup of black coffee. Come spring, Connie’s hands are getting dirty in the garden and she is having no trouble achieving pedometer goals due to the never-ending mowing of her lawn. Summertime is about berries, camping with family and friends, taking long walks and eating outside. Lastly, the favorite season of many is fall. The wood fire smells, the last hike of the season, the pot of award-winning chili, the ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ soundtrack, and the over-flowing yard debris cart, just to name a few. It is a time of reflection for the year and preparation for the new one.
In every season, Connie is a nurturer of all living things. From Chihuahuas to horses, babies to the elderly, life is to be handled with care.
Connie loves where she has landed, both figuratively and literally! Professionally, she has the tools and the heart to help you land too!
Connie Hartrum can be reached at 503-983-1972 and