On behalf of all the Brokers and Staff at Town & Country Realty, thank you for your support during these unprecedented times. The past few months have been unlike anything we have ever experienced. We are continually making adjustments and evolving to ensure the safety and well being of our clients, brokers and staff while providing services for anyone that needs sell a home, buy a home or invest in real estate.
We are committed to providing the expertise, guidance and care that each of our clients deserves while ensuring a safe and timely transaction. We continue to serve you in meaningful ways and provide the level of service you are accustomed to, and expect, from the professionals at Town & Country Realty. To provide more safety and to supplement our exceptional service, we have embraced and enhanced technology opportunities, including but not limited to, increased online marketing, Zoom and Facetime showings, Matterport 3-D photography, virtual tours and open houses, paperless transactions and teleconferencing.
As the State of Oregon, and especially Linn and Benton counties, are re-opening we want to share with you how we are moving forward. We continue to be thoughtful about how we approach conducting business and providing a welcoming environment to all who pass through our doors. Our highest priority is for you to feel safe and comfortable.
Our offices continue to be open by appointment only and we are taking, or have taken, the following additional steps:
• Maintaining 6 feet of distance between people
• Provided face coverings for our brokers and staff
• Increased cleaning and sanitizing of all offices and public spaces including wiping down high touch areas regularly throughout the day
• Additional Bi-weekly medical grade sanitation of all buildings
• Installing countertop shields for our reception areas
• Providing sanitized pens for individual use
• Added signage to encourage distancing and handwashing
• Posting signs about the symptoms of COVID-19
• Encouraging staff, brokers and clients to stay home if they have any symptoms
We are often asked how the COVID-19 has affected sales and transactions in our area. First, remember that this health crisis is not a housing crisis, as it was in 2008. While national sales have been down, we have been fortunate. People continue to move to and from our area. Thus, our local trends are not in alignment with national sales trends. In our market, Buyers are taking advantage of the current historically low interest rates and looking to buy whether it is their first purchase, looking to move up or make an investment in real estate. Prices have not been affected as our supply of homes for sale remains low across nearly all price points.
If you have a house or property to sell or desire to start the buying process, call us today at 541-757-1781 in Corvallis or 541-924-5616 in Albany and let one of our Brokers share with you the current market analysis. We are here for you!
Be well,
Lisa Marie